Our lives as three families in one has been good, I think, for all of us. There are trials and there are joys, but the only way this could work is because of the Lord. So He totally gets all the glory for keeping us unified and loving toward one another. For those who don't know, I live with Greg, Angela & James Stephens along with Anthony, Melanie & Niah Kinzer. :)
I am blessed in seeing Greg and Anthony spending time in the Word, in prayer and in fellowship. Greg continues to reach out to his coworkers and has even given some of them a small new testament and a Case for Christ DVD. Anthony is also getting involved with prison ministry. It's so cool to see how God brought all that about for him. We as a family were able to go door to door in our neighborhood to let them know we are available to help them with anything they need, or if they have prayer requests. We also invited them to stop by anytime they wanted. We pray that they will take us up on it. We have all been attending the Wednesday night Bible Study at Hope Cafe and this last week, me and Angela were able to do the childcare for them. Greg, Anthony and a brother named Wes are going to be starting another bible study at the same time, which is the heart of Pastor Jack. He is encouraging it and desires to see Hope Cafe used in this way every day.
Anthony has been actively seeking a job, submitting via email and in person his resume and making phone calls. Please pray that the Lord will provide a job for him soon. For me, I have also been looking, and finally I have been offered a part-time position at Hope Cafe. I am so excited. I can't wait until I can begin training after the 9th of March. It is not only a business, but also a place for ministry. I am very grateful to Pastor Jack and Gayle for helping me out.
I have been reading more in the Word and also have been reading the Lord of the Rings. It's nice to read on a regular basis again. I also have been taking pictures, buying vegetables to try planting, and I have been exploring. On February 24th I took a spontaneous trip to Wilmington to go to the beach. I also was able to go to the Aquarium which is by Fort Fisher, an old civil war battle front. It was a nice drive and it was so cool to see the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. Also, I changed my phone number to a North Carolina number since I will be the point of contact for ministry here in Raleigh. Please email me at newcreation139@hotmail.com if you would like to have it.

North Carolina is beautiful. I love all the different OLD trees and birds. I kind of feel like I am in Middle Earth and I am a hobbit...hahaha...that's for those who know the Lord of the Rings. Right now the trees are blooming and all the little creatures are out and about. Including BUGS... Please pray for those who are going to have a hard time with them. I am ok with them, but I am like anyone else in that I don't want to wake up with one on my face. :)

I am going to be flying to Vegas this week to see my family and friends. I am really looking forward to it. It was supposed to be a surprise, but I couldn't keep it a secret anymore. :)
I pray that you all are blessed and encouraged today. Also, I want to suggest getting out and meeting your neighbors. You often find that people appreciate it and say that they have been wanting to do the same thing.
If anyone would like to send mail to me or the other families our address is: 4405 Greenbrier Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603
Greg, Angela and James Stephens: stephensfamilyNC.blogspot.com
email: stephensfamily.g@gmail.com (Greg) stephensfamily.a@gmail.com (Angela)
Anthony, Melanie and Niah Kinzer: triplekinzer.blogspot.com
email: 3stranded@gmail.com
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