Well, we recently had a few birthdays in the house. Angela, Greg, Anthony and Niah. It's cool how life continues on here in North Carolina and time seems to be flying by.
Last Wednesday we went to a church to hear a guest speaker named Dr. Michael Brown. He has a show called askdrbrown on the radio and online. He wrote a book that will be pretty controversial and may cause a lot of people to pick a side that may be ultra popular or not popular at all. We were in 1 Kings 18 when Elijah was talking to the people and telling them to either choose to worship God as their God or if Baal is God to worship him as their god. Greg already has started reading the book and hopefully the rest of us will be able to read some of it as well before we give it back to our friend Wes.
Well, I should be adding more to this, but I need to get going. If you want to read Greg and Angela's Blog check out stephensfamilyNC.blogspot.com and the Kinzer's blog at triplekinzer.blogspot.com .
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